Channel: dyspraxia – Michele Gianetti: Life with SPD and Dyspraxia
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Let the Celebration Begin

I heard the yells and the cheers as I finished swimming my lap of the pool and while this would not be unusual if I were in a race, but I was not in a race, so the cheers rang out quite noticeably. It...

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Just Some Thoughts

So I know Elizabeth is 21 years old. I know that she is in a college program and doing well. I also know that we communicated all the information about her disorders of Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing...

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Some Thoughts

I watched as Elizabeth worked so hard to tell her brother about her day. She told him in a few sentences about her day. And I loved watching her do this. But I could see that she was working pretty...

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A Friend’s Advice

I was getting on the elliptical machine the other day and like a lot of machines you have to put in your age. Sometimes, this is done by putting the numbers in like a calculator and other times, like...

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Thanks For Asking

Spring brings a lot of great things like pretty flowers, blooming trees and birds chirping away….GROWTH! LIFE! It also brings around something lovingly called, IEP season. Alright, lovingly is a bit of...

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Just “BEing”

Yesterday Elizabeth’s brother, Michael, her Dad and and Uncle CJ headed out for the day to go to the Cleveland Brown’s training camp.  They were really excited to go and Elizabeth was really excited...

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A Little Dip in Mood!

Where we live, the season of Fall brings gorgeous colors of trees as the leaves change, it is cozy sweatshirt weather and being outside is chilly but smells so good. Until We get our first batch of...

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HOME…. What the Word Means in Quarantine…..

I was watching a movie the other night that is really a classic. In the movie, the lead actor is in a fight that he knows he needs to win. His companion, who is encouraging him before his battles,...

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Home…Different Feelings, Different Days

I learned a few years ago about an app for my phone that can tell me where my children are at any given moment. I can set beeps for me to know when they arrive at school, leave school and I can send...

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Special Needs Parents and Caregivers: What We Need

The title says it all…we are the very product of the lives we have lived and are living with our special needs children….for example While other families attended football games or birthday parties,...

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